Friday, February 3, 2017

Welcome to Can-Am Cryptic Crosswords blog. I created this blog to repair some problems in the original version of my book. Hopefully, if you have a copy of that book bought before I fixed it, you managed to find your way here and I can help.

The book before revision has a typo on page 'IV', 2nd paragraph - "... tear you hair out" instead of "...tear your hair out". If you have that book, and would like a copy of the revised text, please email me at

To get the new version, I will want you to send me just page IV of that book (with your name and address written on it) by mail. Upon receipt, I will send the new version at no cost to you.

Changes in the new version:
  • fixed typos
  • fixed some very obscure clues to be somewhat less so
  • removed some duplicated words and clues
  • replaced some words and clues
  • added some minor text changes 
See  Crossword-Compiler for the terrific program used to build these puzzles.

1 comment:

  1. How about fixing the numbers in parentheses after the clues?
    e.g. Cryptic 3: 28A (3,3) not(6); 20D (5,3) not (8); 21D (3-3 or 3,3) not (6). Incorrect numbers spoil the fun. Also answers for Cryptic 3 have wrong identifiers: 29A should be 32A; (2nd) 23D should be 25D, 25D should be 27D, 27D should be 29D.
